The Great Cycle – 3

The process of re-unification in both great land masses; the Africa-Asia-Europe land mass and the North America-South America land mass, often was plagued by painful periods of intense discord. This image represents the god of an ancient Mexican Indian nation dressed as a fierce warrior.
The process of re-unification in both great land masses; the Africa-Asia-Europe land mass and the North America-South America land mass, often was plagued by painful periods of intense discord. This image represents the god of an ancient Mexican Indian nation dressed as a fierce warrior.

The process of re-unification of the species continued inexorably. Humans continued to come together, either in good will or in ill will. But whatever the motivation, they did come together. They learned each other’s languages. At times, they even began to respect each other’s gods. They ate each other’s foods and learned to like it. They visited each other’s homes and patted the heads of each other’s children. And at other times they killed each other’s children. The Spirit of Discord never let up!

The Spirit of Discord gained allies at a crucial point in the story of the human journey. It was the period when people in the Middle East began to record their deeds. It was an important moment, because not only did humanity gain a means by which it could accurately preserve the events of its story, but it was also an opportunity for those who were motivated by evil to distort the truth for their own selfish ends. History was always written by the winners and the conquerors. This is a period of time that the great Mexican American visionary Jose Arguelles called the “Castle of History”. It is the beginning of yet another cycle in the series of cycles that makes up the GREAT CYCLE.

During the cycle known as the Castle of History, certain people of great power became experts at manipulating the factors that influence the human journey. They learned the magic that controls human events and used it for their own selfish ends. The Divine Covenant was almost forgotten and much of humanity became afflicted by a kind of amnesia.

But the amnesia did not affect everyone. Some individuals and some groups of people maintained the promise of Reconciliation shining bright in their collective consciousness. These folks carried the standard of the ancient agreement between the human and the Cosmic. They carried it high and taught the lessons against the will of the new priests of the religion of selfishness. Some of these valiant warriors sacrificed themselves for their cause.

And still the process continued. The Spirit of Discord became desperate. The species had entered one of the final cycles in the long series of cycles and, in spite of the fact that It had had many triumphs, humanity had not yet been pushed to the end of its rope. The Spirit of Discord, nevertheless relished its success. It marveled at inappropriate technology, which was slowly poisoning the atmosphere that humans and other living things rely on. It reveled at the loss of ancient habitat. It laughed at the extinction of thousands of species of living things. It sneered gleefully at the institution of slavery. The Spirit of Discord felt that it still had a chance. It felt that it could take advantage of humanity’s weaknesses, its “amnesia”.

And yet the journey continued. The human species continued to be reunited. There came a point where most people of knowledge living in the two land masses (1)the Africa, Asia, Europe land mass and (2) the North America, South America land mass, were in some way aware or connected with everybody else in their own land mass.

Most Europeans sensed the existence of Asians and Africans, and vice versa. Most North Americans sensed the existence of Central and South Americans, and vice versa. But the people of one land mass were not aware of the people in the other land mass on the other side of the ocean. The people of the Africa-Asia-Europe land mass did not know of the existence of the people in the North America-South America land mass or vice-versa.

And so here then came the last epochal cycle. Here was humanity poised at the verge of total re-unification, but there was an ocean standing in the way of that event. The two great land masses Africa, Asia, Europe, on one side of the ocean; North America and South America on the other side of the ocean.

It was a moment of global pause; 1492. The world at the verge of the last step in a centuries-long journey. And destiny chose a most unlikely vehicle to ignite the final act of the global drama.

He was an ambitious man, a man whose overriding goal was to become fabulously wealthy. He was a man with grandiose dreams of nobility and titles. He was also a ruthless man, who would stop at nothing, not even killing, to achieve his goal.

 Christopher Columbus arrived in the American world for all the wrong reasons, but his historic voyage precipitated the final act in the long drama of human history.

Christopher Columbus arrived in the American world for all the wrong reasons, but his historic voyage precipitated the final act in the long drama of human history.

It was at this time that the voice of the oracle was raised in the touchstone-land that would be the point of contact between the two worlds. That touchstone-land was the beautiful arch of islands ringing the blue waters of the Caribbean sea.

Destiny had chosen this tropical paradise to be the stage upon which it would begin to play the last act of he great human drama.

Two far-seeing prophets, a woman named Aurasurey in the island then called Boriken, and a woman named Guaricheanao in the island of Cuba uttered the oracles.

The joint message of these two oracles was a message of defeat followed by victory. It foretold the coming of the end of native culture in the Caribbean. It spoke of death and destruction. It spoke of conquest at the hands of a people the color of cassava (white).

It also spoke of a future time of rebirth twenty-four generations later. It would not be just a time when the conquered would again arise in triumph, but also a moment that would herald the last “KATUN” of the Great Cycle. “Katun’ was a word in the language of the Maya Indians living on the near-by Yucatan Peninsula. It denotes a period of twenty years, twenty years from the date in 1992 (exactly 5 centuries and twenty-four generations since the beginning of the last small cycle) and the date in 2012 when the GREAT CYCLE would finally come to a close.

In 1492 the painful tragic journey that had carried humanity this far culminated in the islands off the American continent. It culminated with all the pathos and trauma that had characterized this journey since the first meeting of those two clans that took place on the windswept Ice-Age steppes of our forgotten past. And at the moment of that culmination, amid the combined din of the conqueror’s war-cry and the conquered’s pitiful scream the last set of cycles were initiated. First it was to be twenty-four generations spanning five hundred years, from 1492 to 1992. And then it was to be the final katun, twenty years from 1992 to 2012.

The first of these two cycles, 500 years would complete the process of global re-unification. All the tribes of the Earth would again be in complete contact with each other. There was to be no populated place on the planet that could be completely isolated from all the other populated regions for better or for worse.

At the beginning of the journey a man or a woman could peer out of the window of his or her hut and survey the whole of his or her community. All the human beings of the earth were right there outside that window. The observer could participate in the immediate drama of the whole species simply by looking out that window and communicating in real time with his or her fellow tribes-people.

Now, a little over 260 centuries later the modern tribes-person can again peer out the window. This time it is the window of the television set or computer monitor and he or she can again survey virtually the whole of global humanity, in real time. And he or she can communicate with the rest of the global village community via telephone or computer. And beyond that, there are some who predict that total connectedness will evolve even further than this, that a form of spiritual telepathy will establish an even more thorough form of global communication which will make computers obsolete.

Now that the re-unification process is almost complete, what are we going to do with it? That is the epochal question of the last katun. Shall we squander this opportunity on outmoded, obsolete, primitive, old-fashioned hatred and greed? Shall we finish altering our environment to the point that it finally kills us and rids the Earth of one incredibly irritating species? Or shall we take hold of our destiny in what is left of this momentous twenty-year period and embark on a glorious new Great Cycle. A cycle of reconciliation and rebirth, a cycle of healing. It is up to us to make that choice.
