Verona Lodge

The Teaching Center in Verona Pennsylvania

Miguel Sobaoko Koromo (Black Ribs) Sague, founder of the Caney Indian Spiritual Circle maintains a teaching center in the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania suburb of Verona. This center is associated with his family dwelling and is composed of various indoor and outdoor work spaces. There is a small meditation room inside his home which is used for personal contemplation as well as private consultation, readings and healing ceremonies. There is a modest outdoor area, sorrounded with fencing and tall mature trees that provide great privacy. This outdoor area contains a healing lodge that doubles as a sweat lodge, a large healing hamock in the tradition of Taino and South American Amazon rainforest Indian shamanic healing hamocks. It also contains a small shrine to the two main Taino Indian sacred spirits Yoka Hu and Ata Bey.

healing lodge and shrine 1small

healing hammock small

Call beike Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague(Black Ribs) to schedule personal or group consultation, reading, shamanic healing ritual or teaching session.

Beike Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague cell (732)470-7504
Clan mother Lenia MaisWariche Sague cell(412)877-9785

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